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HHE undertook the national key research and development of the 13th Five-Year Plan "MW-level advance

On November 30,2019, the 13th FiveYear PlanState focused on the research and development of "MWlevel advancedflywheel energy storage key technology research" project (2018 YFB0905500)"high reliability and large bearing capacity magnetic bearing systemtechnology research" and "flywheel energy storage system integrationtechnology research ", held in HHE R & D center stage task assessment.

The experts mainlycome from the Beijing Electric Power Research Institute, the Institute ofPhysical and Chemical Engineering of the Nuclear Industry, Tsinghua University,Beijing University of Chemical Technology, the first Institute of Aerospace andother units.

At the 13thFiveYear Plan, the Statefocused Research and Development Project"Research on Key Technologies for MWlevel Advanced Flywheel EnergyStorage" is a national key research and development project undertaken byTsinghua University as the project leader, in conjunction with HHE, ChinaElectric Power Research Institute, Pinggao Group and Qinghai Electric PowerCompany.

After the meeting,Dr. Li Guangjun led the expert group and the research group to visit theexhibition hall, test and processing workshop of flywheel energy storageproducts.


During the 13thFiveYear National Key Research and Development Project "Research on KeyTechnologies of MWlevel Advanced Flywheel Energy Storage ", productdevelopment, integration and assembly testing were carried out at HHE R & DCenter. Experts see the results are also lamented flywheel energy storagetechnology leap progress, agreed that flywheel energy storage in power qualityassurance, emergency power supply support, energy recovery and power frequencymodulation peak-shaving applications.

Article classification: 新闻动态