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HHE's flywheel East China Headquarters Base Successfully Settled in Wuxi High-tech Zone

On August 15, HHE's   East China regional headquarters base the Signing Ceremony of Wuxi Integrated Circuit and Energy StorageResearch Institute was held in Wuxi Hightech Zone, Wuxi Municipal People'sGovernment Mayor Huang Qin met with academician of the American Academy ofEngineering, executive vice dean of Peking University Graduate School ZhangDongxiao and Wang Jialiang, chairman of HHE., and attended the signingceremony. Wang Jinjian, deputy mayor, secretary of the Party working Committeeof the Hightech Zone, secretary of the Xinwu District Committee, and ZhangMingkang, secretary general of the municipal government attended the event. HHEwill build East China regional headquarters in Wuxi Hightech Zone, give fullplay to the leading advantages of enterprises in flywheel energy storagetechnology, combine with the solid foundation of Wuxi new energy industry, andpromote the development and expansion of flywheel energy storage industry chainin Wuxi.

Mayor Huang Qincongratulated the signing of the project and briefly introduced the economicand social development of Wuxi. He said that in recent years, Wuxi hasunswervingly followed the road of industry and vigorously developed informationtechnology industry, intelligent manufacturing and modern service industry withthe Internet of things as the leading leader. Especially in the new generationof strategic emerging industries, such as new energy, photovoltaic, wind powerand new energy vehicles and other industries to become stronger, gathered agroup of wellknown enterprises such as Sunportpower, Envision, the city'sphotovoltaic industry exports grew fastest in the first half of this year,showing a good momentum of development. Huang Qin said that Wuxi attaches greatimportance to scientific and technological innovation and cooperation withinstitutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes, and thatthe Wuxi and district governments will fully support the construction ofprojects, do a good job of tracking services, promote the development offlywheel energy storage technology, and hope that the cooperation between thetwo sides willachieve results at an early date.

Academician ZhangDongxiao said that energy storage is a very important link in the constructionof energy Internet and intelligent city, and flywheel energy storage has manyadvantages, such as green , high safety and so on, which can promote greenproduction well, which is in line with the demand of Wuxi to develop highendmanufacturing. Wuxi integrated circuit and energy storage research institutewill actively explore the organic combination of flywheel energy storagetechnology and Internet of things, artificial intelligence and otherindustries, research and development of core technology and applicationpromotion, to provide users with systematic solutions.

Chairman WangJialiang said that the reason why the project landed in Wuxi, on the one hand,because the enterprise has set up a equipment factory in Jiangyin, and the twosides have a good foundation for cooperation. On the other hand, Wuxi'sexcellent policy and efficient government service left a deep impression onhim. Hope both sides work together to promote flywheel energy storage industrybased in Wuxi, serve the whole country and affect the whole world.HHE as a high-techenterprise for the conversion of aerospace technology to civilian use, withhigh-power maglev flywheel energy storage technology as its core, providescomprehensive and systematic solutions such as energy management, energysaving, clean energy development, etc. Products have been widely used in integratedcircuit plant D- UPS power quality improvement, data center flywheel energystorage UPSflywheel energy storage UPS power supplyvehicle, oil rig energy recovery, new energy and other fields, in China hastaken the lead in realizing the full independent intellectual property rightsof flywheel energy storage technology in mass commercial production, broke theforeign monopoly.

Prior to thesigning ceremony, Prof. Zhang Dongxiao, Academician of the American Academy ofEngineering, Executive VicePresident of the Graduate School of PekingUniversity, Former VicePresident of the Chinese Academy of Electric PowerSciences, Professor of the School of Electrical and Automation of WuhanUniversity, Mr. Yao Liangzhong, Director of the Institute of Electrical andAutomation of Wuhan University, Mr. Qin Kun, VicePresident of Beijing HonghuiEnergy Development Co., Ltd., and Mr. Tang Shizhou, Chief Operating Officer ofJiangsu Jiedian Technology Co., Ltd. and many other experts in the field ofenergy respectively made special reports on the topics of technologicalinnovation, the application of energy storage technology in power grid, theapplication of flywheel energy storage in related fields, and so on. Everyoneis very enthusiastic about this.



Article classification: 新闻动态